Rep. Mo Brooks: Deport DREAMers, Deport Them All!

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Bigot) showed his true colors on an appearance on Chris Hayes' show during the House vote on their newest border bills.

Let's get this out of the way first: House Republicans passed an immoral bill that will never go anywhere because it is that evil. They did it along straight party lines -- 223-189. Four Republicans voted against it, no Democrats voted for it.

With that out of the way, let's talk about Mo Brooks' amazing near-meltdown on Chris Hayes' show tonight. The Alabama Congressman did his very best to keep changing the subject from the children at the border to DREAMers, who are protected from deportation under DACA right now.

Hayes must have asked five times for a straight answer to the question of whether Brooks supported revoking their work permits and deporting them. He did finally go on the record by answering yes. Take note, DREAMer activists. Brooks speaks for his entire party.

Moving on to the more general question of whether undocumented immigrants should be deported, Brooks filibustered and tried to change the subject before finally answering that yes, he would.

It was a classic example of the Republican Zombie Dodge, also known as the Canned Response Repetitive Hall of Fame.

There are about six points in this video where you'll want to scream at Hayes to cut Brooks' mic. Believe me, I was shouting at him too. But in the end, we now have a Republican Congressman on the record saying exactly what we've all known, but haven't gotten them to admit until now.

That Republican rebranding effort? Failed and dead.

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