Rep. Steve King Praises GOP Border Bill: 'Like I Ordered It Off The Menu"

The newest version of the GOP border bill is tailor-made for bigots like Rep. Steve King.

In their zeal to craft something that will satisfy even the nastiest, most bigoted members of the House Republican caucus, representatives have arrived at a non-compromise which incorporates the worst of all ideas into one border bill.

From cutting requested funding by 80 percent to possibly incorporating a "papers please" provision, the end result is something so odious it's eveb been condemned by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, hardly a liberal band of brothers.

Roll Call reports on Rep. Steve King's reaction:

Conservative Republicans are now more positive about the package and the process by which changes were made, with some of the earlier, harshest critics, like Rep. Steve King of Iowa, now leaning toward voting “yes.”

King said he was extremely pleased with the concessions he was able to extract from leadership.

“The changes brought into this are ones I’ve developed and advocated for over the past two years,” he told CQ Roll Call. “It’s like I ordered it off the menu.”

Well yay for him! Which menu was that? The "I hate everyone" menu, or the "Koch brothers demands" menu?

His comment has spawned appropriate Twitter reactions. This one is my favorite.

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