Watch This Rant From The Officer Who Shoved Don Lemon In Ferguson
Sgt. Major Dan Page has some strongly-held beliefs, which contradict claims that race isn't an issue with St. Louis police.
Sgt. Major Dan Page sees things in black and white. Them and us. Good and evil. There are no grays, there is no nuance. He is good. You are evil unless you believe, like he does, that all men being created equal does not mean affirmative action is good, or that black men fall into the realm of all men.
He was the guy that shocked me with his disrespect as he shoved CNN's Don Lemon around a couple of days ago.
Here is Mr. Page ranting for the benefit of what appears to be a group of Oathkeepers. Lots of anti-Obama, anti-government rhetoric tossed as red meat. Also, Mr. Page is a former Army Ranger Green Beret. *
I've posted the entire video for now, but I'll try and mash up some of the better clips from it and post it later.
Thanks to Democratic Underground's user 951-Riverside for the video and the bullet points:
1:07: Talks about all men being created equal then went on to say "That does not mean affirmative action".
1:26: Rants about hate crime laws
3:22: Black (little?) Perverts
5:25: Talks about doing a fair share of killing
15:40: Calls supreme court justice a homosexual sodomite.
18:30 "If I die I go to heaven... I died a long time ago"
20:30: Talks about St. Louis County schools
26:40: Calls President Obama an illegal alien
27:00: We can kill you anyway we want
31:38: Goes on anti-muslim rant
37:00: Talks about being a Saint Louis County Cop
43:00: Talk about killing people again
46:41: Goes on rant over being briefed about the 9/11 attacks on Aug 1st 1999 then says 9/11 happened 30 days later also talks about no weapons of mass destruction being found in Afghanistan.
49:22: Continues rant about having secret clearance at Fort (Leavenworth?) and training with Russian spetsnaz
52:40: Says people involved in domestic violence should "just shoot each other and get it over with".
53:15: Somebody like me is going to come in and kill you
56:20: I don't trust nobody and I hate everybody. I hate y'all too I hate everybody. I'm into diversity. I kill everybody.
58:02: Audience member: So what happens when good men like you are retiring from the military. What kind of military do we have left then?
58:15: Sodomites and females. End of statement.
1:01:00: Rants about female green beret
1:03:00 He's handed an oathkeeper patch
Black and white. Men and women. Government is not of, by, or for people. Them and us.
That's one of the guys policing in Ferguson's neighborhood. He's a St. Louis County cop, but this week he's been "helping" in Ferguson.
*About the correction: There's some confusion online, but a few minutes into the video he says he's a former Green Beret, so that should clear that up.