Wingnut Oathkeepers Cop Dan Page Retires With Full Pension

One less reactionary cop on the street, and now he's free to join his militia pals wherever he wants.

The cop who pushed Don Lemon on the streets of Ferguson and gave a rambling, racist, reactionary speech to the Oathkeepers has retired with a full pension, effective Monday, August 25th.

Before everyone shakes their fist at the fact that he retired without a reduction to his earned pension, remember that the pension is earned. I don't begrudge the guy his pension or even his opinions. I just don't want him policing people with that attitude, so good riddance.

Now he can retire comfortably and join his wingnut pals doing whatever those lunatics are going to do. But while they rail about unions and their evils, Page should be careful to remember that the reason he's not on the street is because his union negotiated for a decent retirement plan for him.

Unions protect everyone, even racist, out-of-control policemen.

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