You Know You're A KochHead When You Care More About A Tie Than Your Country

Kochhead Pete Hegseth was outraged the President condemned ISIL without a tie on. No, really.

There's plenty of things to get anyone who wants to be riled up these days. Choose your flavor: Executing a journalist, cops shooting unarmed young black men, tear gas flying from evil assault-looking weapons at civilians, journalists getting arrested, and more.

But what really pisses Kochhead Pete Hegseth off? President Obama condemning the acts of ISIL without a tie around his neck. As Heather wryly observed, if he had been wearing a tie, Hegseth would have complained it leaned too far to the left.


Hegseth is supposedly a veteran’s advocate who appears on Fox News to bash the Commander-in-Chief. His remark following Obama’s statement was “I wish he’d put on a tie.” Really? That was what he came away with after the President denounced a horrific act of terrorism against an American citizen? Hegseth is apparently more concerned about the President’s attire than the fate of American victims or the state of our nation’s campaign against terrorism. He is so obsessed with finding fault with Obama that he ignored the tribute to Foley and the passionate promise to exact justice, in favor of acting as the spokesman for the Fox News Fashion Police.

As noted above, these were not opinions developed after thoughtful consideration. They came in mere seconds after Obama stepped away from the podium. That is how close to the top of their minds these sort of depraved ideas linger. These are the kind of commentaries that you can expect from a network whose mission to disparage the President, Democrats, and liberals, takes precedence over honest reporting or even common decency.

When the Kochs sign your paycheck and Roger Ailes writes your script, this is the best you can do in a time where our president has promised swift and firm retribution. Except when it's a Republican president, of course. Then you get slammed for not supporting your president in times of war.

I'd call him a whore but that would be mean to whores.

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