The 300,000-Strong Climate Change March Media Ignored

If 300,000 people show up for a massive march about climate change and no one reports it, did it happen?

So, this happened on Sunday but not one Sunday show acknowledged it. Not one.


“It’s going to be a good day,” said Van Jones, co-host of CNN’s Crossfire and former White House environmental adviser, in the moments leading up to the People’s Climate March in New York City on Sunday. His words and attitude echoed throughout the area at the front of the march, as celebrity activists like Mark Ruffalo and prominent community leaders like Mari Rose Taruc, a Filipina organizer from the Bay Area, prepared to lead nearly 30 blocks of jam-packed marchers through midtown Manhattan.

“As this march begins, I’m hearing so many solutions, I’m even getting hopeful,” Taruc told ThinkProgress. Taruc was one of seven people chosen to speak before the march, ranging from a retired Kentucky coal miner with black lung disease to a mother from the sea level rise-endangered Marshall Islands.

Speaking passionately about why they chose to march and how climate change was impacting them and their communities, they were just a few voices amongst thousands speaking out for climate action. An official count conducted at the march showed over 310,000 participants — more than triple pre-march estimates of 100,000. Around the world, hundreds of thousands more joined 2,646 events in 156 countries.

If 310,000 teabaggers showed up for a rally somewhere they'd be blasting the whole damned thing from start to finish on every damn news channel. But hey, it was just climate change activists -- THREE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND of them is all. So no big deal, they can pretend like that's not anything to worry about and move on.

This is why I no longer trust anything that comes from network or cable news. They can't be bothered to actually look at what's happening in the country through a lens that resembles reality. They're too duped by their own agendas to care.

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