Benghazi Conspiracy Theorist Jerry Boykin Cries Persecution As His Narrative Crumbles

Jerry Boykin gets paid a lot of money to push fear and hate, but that doesn't stop him from whining about persecution, too.

Benghazi Conspiracy Theorist Jerry Boykin Cries Persecution As His Narrative Crumbles

There are two things Jerry Boykin loathes: Islam and our President. Boykin is a member of the oh-so-exclusive club of billionaire-funded haters who are paid the big bucks to stir up lots of hate, fear and loathing of almost everyone except white authoritarian Americans.

Boykin and his compadres are also mostly responsible for the continuing froth over BENGHAZI! and the ongoing nonsensical reports and investigations into it.

Just as a reminder, just over a year ago about Benghazi, when he thought no one but his friends were listening, he called Benghazi "an ugly baby here and it's going to get uglier today."

The background to that statement is this: Boykin and Frank Gaffney were pressuring Darrell Issa and John Boehner to appoint a Select Committee to investigate Benghazi, which they now have. The problem now is that there's nothing really for that Select Committee to dig up and use, because there's just no "there" there.

As a consequence, Boykin has been reduced to whining about how he's being persecuted. Persecution is a very big part of Boykin's outlook. Christians are persecuted, Boykin is persecuted, everyone is persecuted but the bad guys (Muslims) in his view.

Family Research Council executive vice president Jerry Boykin said in an interview on “Washington Watch” yesterday that people like himself who believe in discredited conspiracy theories surrounding the 2012 Benghazi attacks are facing “persecution” because no one believes them and dares to think there are political motivations behind their accusations.

“The plight of not only the young service men and women in trying to ensure that their government is going to come and get them, but there is a plight of persecution today of those of us who want to stand up and demand that there be accountability on this,” he told FRC president Tony Perkins. “They’re persecuting us, the leftist media is coming out with all kinds of accusations about what our intent is.”

“We’re being hammered by the media now, being persecuted, literally, by the media as being on a witch hunt and being people that are not willing to accept the truth that has already come out. The truth hasn’t come out yet.”

Boykin insisted that no one has investigated the Benghazi attack yet…even though, as Media Matters notes, the House Intelligence Committee, along with “the State Department's independent Accountability Review Board (ARB), the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the House Armed Services Committee” have all “repeatedly debunked right-wing Benghazi myths that have persisted since the attacks, including the falsehood that a ‘stand down’ order was given to troops stationed in Tripoli and the myth that the administration lied about the attacks having been caused by an anti-Islam YouTube video.”

I wonder how the five guys who just released that book completely debunking Boykin's booga-booga theory about the "stand down" order feel about his claim that the "truth" hasn't come out yet?

How on earth did this loon ever get the rank of General? He should have been tossed out for mental incapacity.

Here's the audio:

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