Chris Matthews Melts Down Over Ebola Diagnosis In Texas

Tweety clearly forgot to take his Valium before spewing right wing talking points all over MSNBC.

Tweety, Tweety, Tweety. If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times not to do your show without that Valium before they roll tape.

When Tweety forgets his Valium, he forgets himself and goes right on to right wing talking points. In case you missed today's, here it is in a nutshell, courtesy of former Breitbot and current TownHall writer Katie Pavlich, as reported by David Badash at The New Civil Rights Movement.

Tweety picked up the ball and ran with that whole thought, ranting about how Obama should have been more careful about Ebola, and what it could mean to Americans and why didn't he warn everyone about it and ZOMG what do we do now we're all going to die!!!

Even Politico's health editor, Joanne Kenen, had to tell him to calm down. So did MSNBC reporter Charles Hadlock.

But Chris Matthews being Chris Matthews and all, he couldn't help himself. He had to talk over everyone and keep running off at the mouth.

So here's some facts to serve Tweety with his Valium. Yes, there is a case of Ebola in Dallas, Texas. The patient visited Liberia and returned to the U.S apparently healthy, but began showing symptoms just days later. The CDC is actively tracing this person's movements to isolate anyone who may have been exposed.

There is not a damn thing the President could have done differently that would have stopped that virus from infecting that patient. Not one. single. thing.

Stand down, Tweety and go sit over there next to Katie Pavlich.

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