Ferguson Police Chief: 'This Is A F*ckin' Tragedy'

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson tried a little fancy footwork before arresting people protesting in front of the police station.

Thursday night's Ferguson protests included a new twist: A white business owner pulling a gun on protesters. Here's the video of that, resplendent with sirens:

After that, Chief Thomas Jackson held a press conference, where he put on his 'good cop' hat to dodge and feint while his officers got in place to start arresting people. In the process, he informed the crowd that this was a 'f*ckin' tragedy.'

As if he actually believes that.

The crowd response was predictable. These protesters aren't going anywhere until they have a sense that justice is going to be done, but there's no reason to expect anything like that will happen.

Tommy Christopher:

According to protesters at the scene, St. Louis County police have joined Ferguson police in dealing with the protests, which, apart from the one gun-brandishing, have apparently been peaceful. Argus News continues to live stream the protest as of 11 pm Central time, which is about when Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson held an impromptu press conference, at which he declared that “This is a fuckin’ tragedy, we all know that,” and added, over shouts of “Arrest that motherfucker!”, that it “came from my heart.”

It didn’t go well from there.

At some point, Chief Jackson began to walk with the protesters, and then all hell broke loose, at least from what was reported on Twitter:










Now it appears that some people are inventing stories about protesters attacking the chief, which does not appear to be supported by the video and photos taken in real time.



If they want these protests to end, there must be justice, not more posturing, arresting, and framing.

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