Fox Flack Ralph Peters: 'Scorch The Earth, Plow Over, Scorch It Again'

Fox News' resident flack ganged up with Sean Hannity and Ollie North to suppose that the President is just being lazy about fighting ISIL.

Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters has a difference of opinion with our Commander-in-Chief about what to do about ISIL.

Peters wants us all to know that he has all the answers, and the answer to ISIL is as simple as "You whack those suckers, and you keep whacking them and you scorch the earth and then you plow over and then you scorch it again."

This military genius then went on to say, "I don't think [Obama's] goal is to defeat and destroy the Islamic Caliphate. His goal is just to kick the can down the road and get out of office in early 2017 and dump it in the next president's lap."

Well, of course it is, if you think the President is a seekrit Muslim who is actually a Manchurian candidate who is also a lazy "blah person."

It just chaps my hide that people like this are given a platform to spew this kind of bull all over the air. What part of "degrade and destroy" did he misunderstand?

Furthermore and foremost, this 'conversation' on Fox News is so characteristic of what we've become. Dehumanize everyone and everything, including the Iraqi people. Has it occurred to anyone that extremism arises when needs become so desperate and people become so oppressed that they see no other option than to take extreme measures?

Maybe if we spent more time considering that problem instead of practically having an orgasm over "whacking those suckers" the world wouldn't be such a dangerous place.

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