Fox Host Refers To Female UAE Pilot As 'Boobs On The Ground'

Is Bolling looking to be Rush Limbaugh's successor?

Eric Bolling must think he's in a locker room instead of on national television every day.

Kimberly Guilfoyle took a moment to salute the UAE's first female fighter pilot, who was also the team leader for bombing raids on Syria.

I don't know about you, but this is serious business. They might be in airplanes but that doesn't mean they're not at risk. Whether United States or UAE, there's inherent danger in what they're doing.

But these guys are just full of yuks. After frat boy Greg Gutfeld cracked his one-liner about her being able to fly it but not land it, Bolling comes back with "Would that be boobs on the ground?"

I know the wingers will say oh, well, they were just being funny. That's what they always say. It's always a joke. Whether it's Rush Limbaugh calling women sluts or Eric Bolling denigrating the accomplishments of a talented Arab woman, they will call it a joke as if that erases anything that goes with it.

It's not funny, and it just proves that nothing Fox News says or does should ever be taken seriously. They're unserious and they're sexist. Roger Ailes probably laughed his ass off. I wonder if he'd laugh to her face that way.

I'm guessing not, because snotnosed little cowards love to do this behind people's backs, but never to their face and these guys are a bunch of snotnosed little cowards.

[h/t Media Matters]

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