Grand Jury Now Has Until January To Decide On Darren Wilson

The DA may think he's buying time, but simmering anger and outrage isn't going away.

The Grand Jury investigating Michael Brown has been given an extension of 60 days to complete its work, dragging the deadline into January.


Under Missouri law, grand juries can be empanelled up to six months but typically are held for four months. The current grand jury sitting in St. Louis County was due to disband Sept. 10, but at the request of the prosecutor’s office, St. Louis County Judge Carolyn Whittington has approved holding the jury for the full six months. She then added 60 days to the jury’s term, said Paul Fox, the county’s director of judicial administration.

“This is not a typical case,” Fox said.

I'm not sure what McCulloch thinks will be gained by dragging out the Grand Jury investigation of the Michael Brown shooting. It's clear he's simply tossing all of the "evidence" in front of them and letting them make the decision, but anyone who follows criminal law knows that Grand Juries generally rubber stamp whatever the DA wants in terms of charges.

Meanwhile, there are now six credible eyewitness accounts all in agreement that Michael Brown had his hands in the air, that Darren Wilson unloaded his gun while advancing on Brown, and that Brown was running from Wilson when he opened fire.

The anger in that community is not going to dissipate with a delay in Grand Jury proceedings.

Shaun King's tweets should be taken seriously.



(Photo Credit: NBCNews.com)

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