Michael Brown Was Shot While His Hands Were Up, New Witness Confirms

A new witness to the Michael Brown shooting has spoken to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. His account confirms what other witnesses have said, with a few extra details.

Yet another witness has come forward in the Michael Brown shooting, telling a very similar account to the other four witnesses who have spoken publicly. He is one of the two workers pictured above. That photo was posted to Instagram just after the shooting.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch has the story:

The co-worker told KTVI that Brown promised to come back and resume their conversation; Brown walked away, and the workers returned to their job.

About a half-hour later, the worker heard a gunshot. Then he saw Brown running away from a police car. Wilson trailed about 10 to 15 feet behind, gun in hand. About 90 feet away from the car, the worker said, Wilson fired another shot at Brown, whose back was turned.

The worker said Brown stumbled and then stopped, put his hands up, turned around and said, “OK, OK, OK, OK, OK.” He said he told investigators from the St. Louis County police and the FBI that because of the stumble, it seemed to him that Brown had been wounded.

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