Michele Bachmann Says Phyllis Schlafly Ended Cold War

Only Michele Bachmann's twisted mind could move through such small passages to this ending.

I know, there's only so much crazy any one person can stand, but this one is one for the ages.

Phyllis Schlafly, for those unfamiliar with her, was the woman who crusaded throughout the 70s to successfully kill the Equal Rights Amendment. She believes women would be just fine if they were content to stay at home and serve (service?) their husbands who will bring home the fatted calves for them if they're kept happy.

Here's Bachmann, explaining why Schlafly deserves all the credit for the end of the Cold War, via Right Wing Watch:

Rep. Michele Bachmann recently sat down for an interview with WND to discuss her undying admiration for the Eagle Forum's Phyllis Schlafly, whom Bachmann credited for ending the Cold War and for just generally being "the epitome of womanhood."

"I believe that Phyllis Schlafly is the most consequential female woman in public policy in the last fifty years of the 20th Century," Bachmann declared. "Had there not been a Phyllis Schlafly, I believe that we wouldn't have seen a rise of the pro-family movement. Had there not been a rise of the pro-family movement, I don't believe that there would have been a Ronald Reagan. Without a President Ronald Reagan, I don't think we would have seen the ability to defeat the evil, and yes that's what it was, Soviet empire and to bring a conclusion to the Cold War. Just as Ronald Reagan was consequential, Phyllis Schlafly was extremely consequential because she was a tee to tee up this president that we had":

So does that mean we can blame Schlafly for our current income disparity problems, the economic inequality that has sprung up over the past two decades, and the mess in the Middle East as well as Central America?

If she's singlehandedly responsible for Saint Ronnie, then why the heck not?

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