Phil Robertson, Fox News' New Expert On Islam, Jihad And Strategy

Yes, Sean Hannity brought that learned expert on Islam onto his show in order to explain the correct strategy for dealing with ISIS.

I've been waiting for a long time to hear Phil Robertson pontificate on radical Islam, haven't you? Nothing says expert like a radical hateful Christian on national television.

Seriously, even for Faux Noise this goes over the top. Phil's advice? "Either convert them or kill them," referring to the radicals who beheaded two reporters over the past couple of weeks.

Oh yes, because it is just that easy. It's bad enough that everyone is agitating for war in Syria. Now we have to have some doofus television personality who made a bunch of money on duck stuff giving his "expert" opinion on complex foreign policy matters?

What's next? Hillbilly Handfishin' stars Skipper Bivins and Trent Jackson showing up to discuss Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

h/t Media Matters

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