Scotland Says 'No' To Independence From The UK

In a close vote, Scotland has rejected independence and voted to stay part of the UK.

I've read a lot of stories on the vote either for or against independece for Scotland and I can't say with any certainly how it would have ended if they left the UK, but it appears the Scots didn't want to leave after all.

Scotland will vote to stay in the United Kingdom after rejecting independence, the BBC has predicted.

With 26 out of the country's 32 council areas having declared after Thursday's vote, the "No" side has a 54% of the vote, with the "Yes" campaign on 46%.

By 05:15 BST (06:15 GMT), the "No" campaign had more than 1,397,000 votes, with "Yes" on just over 1,176,000.

A total of 1,852,828 votes is needed for victory. The vote is the culmination of a two-year campaign.

The BBC is predicting on the basis of votes declared so far by Scotland's local authorities the "No" side will win the referendum with 55% of the vote while "Yes" will secure 45% of the vote.

Alex Salmond, Scotland's first prime minister tweeted: Well done to Glasgow, our commonwealth city, and to the people of Scotland for such a incredible support

The NY Times has more:

The decision spared Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain a shattering defeat that would have raised questions about his ability to continue in office and diminished his nation’s standing in the world.


The outcome headed off the huge economic, political and military imponderables that would have flowed from a vote for independence. But it also presaged a looser, more federal United Kingdom. And it was unlikely to deter Scottish nationalists from trying again.

The passion of the campaign also left Scots divided, and Mr. Salmond was expected to call later on Friday for reconciliation after a vibrant exercise in democracy that had episodes of harshness and even intimidation.

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