Stupid Right Wing Tweets: Chuck Woolery Edition

Game show hack Chuck Woolery thinks 'we have a Muslim problem in the White House.'

Stupid Right Wing Tweets: Chuck Woolery Edition

What is it with game show hosts? They're all hucksters and idiots. Pat Sajak is a screaming teabagger and so is Chuck Woolery. But his latest series of tweets may be the stupidest right wing tweets of all.

Via LGF:

Yeah, reluctant my ass. You and your Breitbot pals love this stuff. By any chance are you pals with Breitbart's father-in-law, Orson Bean?

Zzzzzzzt! You LOSE, Mr. Woolery. You have absolutely no education with which to make such a guess. Next contestant, please.

Now wait a minute. If they're in the White House, why are you worrying about them coming to a town near you?

There's a reason the president said ISIS isn't Muslim. It's not enough to claim one is Muslim without actually practicing the tenets of the religion. Sort of the same thing as the faux Christians who pretend they're Christians while judging everyone around them and sticking their middle fingers in the faces of the poor.

As for the President being Muslim, so what if he is? There's nothing shameful about anyone practicing their chosen religion in a principled way. It happens that he's not. He can't have a Reverend Wright problem and be a secret Muslim. It doesn't work like that, not even in game show land.

I know many Muslims and none of them cause fear in me. The ones who make me afraid are the fundamental "Christians" who think it's their God-given right to be the American Taliban, telling women what they can and cannot do while oppressing poor people.

Put Chuck in the same category as the rest of the rich Hollywood wingnuts who choose to live in Fantasyland instead of reality.

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