Attkisson Cries On Fox News' Shoulder About The Non-Story CBS Killed

Sharyl Attkisson seems to think terrorists are stupid or something. Of course they use social media.

Raise your hand if you're surprised that terrorists use social media to organize.

What? No hands raised?

Yesterday's episode of "Howie Kurtz Rehabilitates Dead Careers" was special, because he had Sharyl Benghazi! Anti-Vax Attkisson on to explain that media isn't covering terrorism because Obama argle-bargle.

Sharyl is associated with the Heritage Foundation now -- a fact not disclosed on Howie's show, by the way. And her explanation for why the media didn't cover ISIS' expansion in 2013 was laughable.

We begin by reviewing clips of defense agency personnel testifying before Congress. So there's your answer right there, Sharyl and Howie. The media doesn't cover Congress because then they would have to cover the striking amount of non-governing Republicans do. God forbid that ugly little truth would ever escape DC.

And then Sharyl tells her own story of how the media edits terrorism stories. It seems she had one about how the Arab spring was organized on social media. Because to Sharyl, the Arab Spring is just like terrorists organizing!

At any rate, we move on from there to her "exclusive" story about how terrorists organize on social media. Except anyone with half a brain knows lots of terrorists and other malevolent types organize there. Like Republicans. And Al Qaeda. And conservatives associated with the Heritage Foundation, for example.

Here's an exclusive for Sharyl: Good guys use social media, too. Because "social." That "exclusive" was a non-story that didn't need to be told. Good for CBS for killing it.

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