Bill O'Reilly Attacks President Obama As An Ideologue For Not Enacting Ill-Advised Travel Ban

Bill O'Reilly takes his turn working refs and fearmongering over Ebola in order to help Republicans win the midterm elections.

Fox's Bill O'Reilly really shouldn't be calling anyone else an ideologue. He used his Talking Points Memo this Monday night to do just that and attack President Obama for not enacting the ill-advised travel ban that Republicans have been clamoring for, and to help the Republicans stoke fear over Ebola in the hopes of helping them win the midterm elections.

O'Reilly: 'Obama Puts Ideology Over Tough, Practical Solutions':

Why do Americans vote for Democrats?

A new Politico poll found that 64 percent of people think things in the United States are out of control right now. Yet, if the House and Senate elections were held today, 41 percent say they’d vote for a Democratic candidate and 36 said they’d vote for a Republican.

“If a whopping 64 percent of Americans think the country is out of control under the Obama administration, why would anyone vote for a Democratic candidate? The answer is emotion,” Bill O’Reilly said.

“The Factor” host said that Democrats have successfully convinced some voters that the Republican Party favors the rich and is anti-women. Meanwhile, the Republican Party hasn’t been able to put forth a leader to refute those allegations. This is why women continue to favor Democrats, O’Reilly explained.

The nation today is weaker than we were six years ago, O’Reilly charged. He said that those who are voting for the nation would be less likely to support Democrats, but for people who are voting for themselves, the option of continued entitlements is attractive.

“Part of the reason the USA is in trouble is that President Obama puts ideology over tough, practical solutions,” O’Reilly said, using Ebola as an example. He said that Americans want a travel ban, but Obama dissents.

“Summing up: we are living in a dangerous, complicated world. We need problem solvers, not ideologues,” he said.

Bill-O just can't stop himself from calling Democrats a bunch of lazy good for nothing government moochers every time he opens his mouth. As Steve M. discussed, the poll O'Reilly and every one of the Villagers in the media have been quoting over and over again since it was released could have been worse for Democrats and "skews a bit more rightward than the country as a whole." That didn't stop O'Reilly from pretending that it was a nationwide poll representative of the entire country, but that's just how he rolls.

O'Reilly and the rest of them that have been stoking the fears over Ebola are hoping it's a self-fulfilling prophesy that Republicans regain control of the entire Congress because they're afraid of their own shadows and vote for Republicans. Let's do everything we can to disappoint them.


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