Nothing makes the Meet The Press panelist and controversial Republican Joe Scarborough happier than an alleged Democratic guest trashing that 'feckless, smug' President Obama. Tina Brown, for some reason, is sought after (less and less) because of her history as editor of a few publications.
Her success in the print medium is, at best, questionable and hardly laudable.
Tina, who is always referred to as a legendary editor in America, has lost a vast mass of money for the owners of the magazines she has edited. She almost broke Harvey Weinstein with Talk magazine — 50 million big ones in two years — ditto with the New Yorker and Vanity Fair before that, and has cost another sugar daddy, Barry Diller, at least 100 million since 2008 with the Daily Beast and Newsweek. He finally pulled the plug on her, but what the hell, what’s a hundred million big ones anyway?

The lack of popularity of President Obama seems to exist mainly in right-leaning media like Morning Joe. It doesn't help that Mika Brzezinski is only too happy to indulge MoJo's obsession with bashing anything Democratic by smiling and keeping her subservient female mouth shut.
Since Tina Brown is considered left wing by the wingnuts at Breitbart and the Washington Free Beacon, that settles the question of her allegiance. When she bashes President Obama, she must have a valid reason, because she's such a "friend" to Democrats.
Brown spouted her contrived paranoia once before on Morning Joe, asserting that President Obama doesn't like being a leader, even though he ran and won twice for the job as the most powerful man in the free world. In 2011, she said,
Well it’s so interesting. I think that Obama doesn’t like his job, actually. I think that he is genuinely of a professional disposition in the sense that I think that he’s interested in chewing over the pros and cons, and he doesn’t like, he doesn’t like power and he doesn’t know how to exercise power.
I guess we are supposed to pretend nothing good has happened since 2009. Never mind that Barack Obama has been president for six years with unimaginable successes on economic fronts, as well as being instrumental to the successful efforts of proponents of marriage equality and ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell; but Tina has decided he hates to lead.
She was at it again on this morning's appearance on MSNBC's three hour homage to the GOP. Brown was asked about the (imagined) disillusioned female electorate that doesn't trust the president to keep us safe.
“I think they’re beginning to feel a bit that Obama’s like that guy in the corner office, you know, who’s too cool for school, calls a meeting, says this has to change, doesn’t put anything in place to make sure it does change, then it goes wrong and he’s blaming everybody,” she said.
I had no idea Tina Brown was the voice of all American women. I am not the least bit put off by the president's handling of the Ebola "crisis" (which has claimed ONE life in the U.S.) or the threat of ISIS landing on our shores. If this is her attempt at becoming relevant in political forums, she's failing as badly as when she tanked Newsweek by making it another Republican-loving publication.