Conservative Think Tank: Ladies, Stop Worrying About Being Roofied
Conservative think tank AEI produces a video that tells young women to stop worrying about getting roofied and date raped at parties.
I'm really not sure why conservatives are so fired up in their attempts to downplay that female college students get been date raped. I really don't understand it. There's nothing supporting feminism when people stand up to date rapists is there? George Will has been on an ill fated crusade to disprove the idea of date rape and actually attacked young women for reveling in victim-hood.
Now comes the American Enterprise Institute, another bastion of conservatism, who has joined the issue and categorically doesn't believe female students are at risk of being date raped. Caroline Kitchens, guest hosted a new video on the Factual Feminist website that asks the question, should the ladies be afraid of being roofied?
Kitchens: Ladies, have you been told no to drink the punch at parties? have you asked your friend to watch your drink because you're afraid to leave it alone, even for a minute?
She discusses a case involving several women who had big X marks on there hands, who became so inebriated at a party that they were taken to the hospital. fear not because the Washington Examiner looked at the facts and concluded these girls were not targeted for roofying.
Kitchens: There was no evidence that he x's had anything to do with labeling women for the date rape drug...
As for the drugs, police did find marijuana and Adderal when they searched the fraternity house, but no evidence of "date rape drugs" ever turned up.
See, the police didn't find roofies so women couldn't possibly have been given the date rape drug. it's impossible or else the police would have found their stash.
Now this story isn't unique. panic and questionable allegations about the date rape drug are rampant. Everything from lip gloss to nail polish to coasters has been invented to protect women from rapists armed with roofies. But the evidence doesn't match the hype.
It's almost as if the rapist carried around with them the exact dosage they need to facilitate the rape. That's impossible too. They usually carry around with them a big baggie full of roofies to pass out among their fellow rapists. Everyone knows that.
This video really is amazing.
I couldn't stand writing any more transcript so here's TPM:
"Calling date rape drugs a myth may not be quite right," she said. "I mean, these drugs do exist, and there are some cases where women are drugged and sexually assaulted."
But it's time for a tough-minded "reality check," she said.
"Just think about it: It requires the stranger to find the drugs, slip them into a woman's drink undetected, manage to take the victim away from her friends without anyone noticing, and then reliably erase her memory of the experience," Kitchens said.
"Most commonly, victims of drug-facilitated sexual assault are severely intoxicated, often from their own volition," she said.
"And feminists should be concerned that women are modifying their behavior on their girls nights out in order to protect themselves from some vague, improbable threat," she added.
This is the kind of trash you get when conservatives masquerade as feminists.