Eric Bolling Is At It Again: 'Liberalism' Is Dangerous Ebola Virus

Fox News' Eric Bolling continues his streak of stupidity by labeling 'liberalism' as an Ebola type disease that has infected you.

My former managing editor, co-author and Seattle sports fan David Neiwert wrote a great book called: The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right. I'd say the rise of hate talk radio is responsible for polarizing this country more than anything else because the ultimate goal of all talkers like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage is to make people hate Liberalism and anyone who believes in progressive ideas. It's really that simple. Conservatism isn't about being for much of anything anymore other the things they tell their flock they are losing because of freedom, but rather it's about being against policies that help the working class and hating everything else in between.

A great current example of this hatred appears in Fox news' Eric Bolling's ludicrous piece on the Fox News website: Wake up, America. Liberalism is a virus, too

As Neiwert would tell you, this is classic eliminationist rhetoric. Liberals aren't people any longer, we're mutating diseases that make you suffer in tremendous pain and then kill you.

Wake up, America!

While everyone is up in arms about Ebola, and we must remain vigilant and fight it with all we have, there is another virus that has already taken hold of Americans in every state: liberalism.

Truth, transparency, freedom and liberty. The flag, "Under God" patriotism have all been tossed out the window.

They are being replaced by "everybody gets a trophy," "share the wealth," "government knows what's best for your business," your family and even what should go on in your bedroom.

Be careful, America. Liberalism is a dangerous virus.


Wake up, America. Liberalism is a virus, too.

Try not to catch it. And if you do, for goodness sake, don't spread it!!

By the way, I received an "everybody get's a trophy," from my Pop Warner football team when I was ten years old which goes back to the late 60's, so getting a trophy as a child for participating isn't a new "liberal" ideal. And even if it was, that was a very rewarding day for me. They handed out the trophy's at a team dinner with all the parents there and it made me feel like suiting up and showing up mattered and in life, how important of a lesson is that?

Anyway, back to the hatemongers. Bolling's piece is the sort of dibble that makes your head hurt and no amount of Oxycontin can help you. He has his laundry list of grievances that Liberals are supposed to be the cause of, but he forgets that it was a president he loved, George Bush that sent our troops into a war that was built on lies.

In 2010, Glenn Beck called me a parasite after I wrote a piece condemning a progressive politicans for hosting a fundraiser for Jane Harman, a war hawk and horrible Blue Dog.

Beck: But then there's another group and they have infiltrated not just the Democratic party, but the republican party...

Speak softly and carry a big stick. blah, blah, blah...We got this from an insider. Wait until you hear this story. The co-chair of the CPC...

How many times have I said they are like a virus feeding on the host of republic.

The progressives are parasites inside the democrat....The California progressives weren't the only ones upset. John Amato of Crooksandliars wrote on Huffington Post.

"for Woolsey to holding a fundraising events for a known Blue Dog should be a firing offense for the CPC."

Progressives Democrats for America joined in, They started an online petition asking her to withdraw from the event. Woolsey said no. I don't know how this story ends quite frankly it's California and it's all going to end in a mudslide right into the bottom of the ocean eventually anyway, but let me tell you something. The last time the progressives were in this position and they started gobbling power and they exposed themselves people caught on and hated them.

Being called a parasite by Glenn Beck is a badge of honor for me, but for almost thirty years the hate talkers have influenced their listeners to not only disagree with my positions, but to loath and hate me. Now, that's a problem.

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