Fox News Talker Says Military Leaders Should Resign En Masse

Irresponsible twit Brian Kilmeade echoed Rep. Lamborn's seditious call for our generals to resign en masse to protest President Obama's ISIL policy.

I guess it's totally fine for Fox talkers to spew this kind of nonsense while we're at war when it's a black Democrat in the White House. I cannot imagine they ever would have done something like this while CheneyBush was in office.


Remember when Brian Kilmeade rewarded Allen West’s sedition by suggesting he should get a leadership role in the Secret Service? Today, Kilmeade took his undermining of America one step further.

This morning, the three Fox & Friends co-hosts discussed putting ground troops in Iraq to fight ISIS. Steve Doocy opined that military leaders are so frustrated with President Obama’s supposed failure to listen to their advice that they slap their foreheads and say, “Not again!”

But co-host Brian Kilmeade said, "Why do they sit around the table, Steve? They should put their stars down and walk out."

But hey! A United States Representative also said it. So what's the big deal, right? They're just being patriots and supporting elected representatives.

Is there a day coming ever where right wing nutbags actually are held accountable for what they say and do? Because I have yet to see it.

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