Glenn Beck Preaches Love By Screaming At Listeners To Hate

This week's installment of Glenn Beck's Insanity brought to you by the right wing Fear and Panic Brigade.

We interrupt this bit of idiocy to bring you this message: Yes, Glenn Beck is insane, but insanity pays these days. While Beck rakes in the millions with his Love Everyone By Hating Everything themes, the rest of us actually care about things that matter, like whether we'll pay all the bills this month.

However, here's Glenny's latest, where he reminds all of his listeners that he's right all the time about everything and everyone else is wrong. There was a term for that in the DSM IV (egomaniac), but I'm pretty sure it got deleted.


Earlier today, Glenn Beck announced that his company was selling a t-shirt featuring the slogan "Love Is Contagious" in an effort to raise money for his Mercury One charity for use in the fight against Ebola.

This was just the latest manifestation of Beck's current conviction that love is the only thing that can save this nation ... so naturally he spent a good portion of his radio program today having a screaming meltdown about how government incompetence is "literally going to be the death of all of us" and declaring that millions of Americans should be gathering in protest outside of the White House, demanding a ban on travel from West African nations.

Saying that once the Ebola crisis spirals out of control, people will ask why God allowed this to happen, to which Beck responded that it will not have been God that caused this, but government incompetence and arrogance which "is putting the lives of millions of people at stake."

After warning again that God is going to drastically humble this nation, Beck then commenced screaming."I haven't see anyone in Washington say 'Hey, you know what? I was wrong about ISIS,'" Beck fumed, growing more and more outraged. "'You know what? I was wrong about Benghazi. You know what? I was wrong about the caliphate. Oh, you know what? It seems I was wrong about the economy. Oh, I was wrong about health care. OH, I SEEM TO HAVE BEEN WRONG!!!!!'"

You just know what would happen if a travel ban was put into effect. There would be one single American in Liberia who wanted to come home, and the wailing over how Obama is forcing Americans to remain in Africa would begin.

It's so predictable now.

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