Pat Robertson Claims He Has Powers To Raise The Dead

Pat Robertson told his 700 Club audience that he and others have the power to raise the dead, they just haven't felt like it.

Oh, my. Is Pat Robertson feeling left out of the loop with conservative crazies lately?

Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson insisted that he and others have the power to raise the dead, but lamented that people these days are withholding this special skill.

Robertson, who has previously discussed dead-raising abilities, told a viewer, Margaret, that people can raise the dead when they receive and submit to the power of the Holy Spirit.

“That power is there, we just aren’t using it,” Robertson grieved.

Wait, what do you mean you're not using it? Haven't tons of loyal followers sent you money to pray for their loved ones who are stricken with fatal illnesses? Are you now telling them that you could have brought them back from the dead if you wanted to?

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