Saturday Extra Credit Reading
So many great posts. Take a time out from football or baseball and enjoy some good reads.

These are open tabs in my browser for reading and re-reading, because they're either really great insights, or they're information we should all have.
What are you reading today?
- Josh Marshall - Sarah, Bristol and the Recurrence of the Eternal Victim
- Daily Kos - Howard Dean: "A Battle For The Future of the Democratic Party"
- Jina Moore - How I'm Coping With Life Inside The Ebola Bubble - Great insights here into what it's like to live in a world where your life depends on not touching people.
- Gary Legum at
GawkerWonkette: Peggy Noonan Writes Column, Eats Horse Tranquilizers (not in that order)
Finally, a shout-out to Kevin Drum at Mother Jones, who is fighting multiple myeloma with a smile and his usual analytical approach to things. All good thoughts go out to him from all of us here at C&L.
Post updated to correctly credit Wonkette and not the other place. Apologies for that error.