Scott Brown Thinks Voters Don't Care About Women's Issues

Because he has seen the truth and the light, and knows these things.

Well, I'm glad Scott Brown thinks he has all the answers for every woman everywhere. See, we don't care about silly things like equal pay or contraception, because border security.


"Your opponent, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, she recently issued this statement on your record on women's issues. 'He doesn't stand up for women's reproductive rights and economic security. He co-sponsored legislation to deny women coverage for birth control or even mammograms. Had he two opportunities to vote for equal pay laws and both times voted no.' How do you respond to her claim?" Carlson asked.

"Well, unfortunately, I'm talking about issues that people care about," Brown responded.

He then told Carlson that he's pro-choice.

"While these women's issues are very important, I'm an independent pro-choice Republican," he said. "I always have been. I do support contraception."

As the Huffington Post noted, while in the Senate, Brown sponsored a bill that would have allowed employers to opt out of any birth control coverage and voted against an equal pay bill.

Brown told Carlson that he's focused on issues like border security and Obamacare and that "those issues are affecting women and women-owned businesses and the rights of women."

Seriously, the man thinks border security is a more important issue than equal pay? Good luck with that.

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