Sneak Peek At A GOP Senate - It Isn't Pretty

Climate change will be the first casualty.

Lee Fang did a little research to see what would happen if Republicans took hold of the Senate, specifically with regard to issues around climate change. His report is pretty eye-popping.

Here's a taste:

Environment and Public Works Committee: Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) is in line to take control of the EPQ chairmanship, which would give him authority over the EPA. Inhofe, who has compared climate change activists to Nazis, has already signaled that he will go after regulators on a raft of issues concerning greenhouse gases, from methane leaks to the new rules over coal-fire power plants.

Subcommittee on Science and Space: As current ranking member of this subcommittee, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has a good shot at becoming the chairman. This vital subcommittee oversees the National Science Foundation, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and issues relating to federally funded scientific research. Cruz is a proud denier of climate change science. When he ran for office in 2012, Cruz told reporters in Texas that global warming ceased in 1997. Earlier this year, in an interview with CNN, Cruz again questioned the science, claiming the “data are not supporting what the advocates are arguing.”

And there's more. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't share this to frighten, but to motivate. Vote like your earth depends on it.

[Photo Credit: DonkeyHotey]

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