So Ted Nugent Thinks He Speaks 'For The People'?

Ted Nugent is a NRA tool. Nothing more and nothing less. His declarations mean nothing.

So Ted Nugent Thinks He Speaks 'For The People'?

Ted Nugent is a creep who really belongs in jail somewhere rather than spewing garbage into public discourse. And his latest is really creepy. Really, really creepy. This is the guy who wrote this crap:

Road I cruise is a bitch now
Ya know ya can't turn me round
And if a house gets in my way
Ya know I'll burn it down

You ran the night that you left me
You put me in my place
I got you in a stranglehold, baby
That night I crushed your face

Please turn on your irony radar now, and put the setting on "high" as I review the latest Ted Nugent proclamations from On High:

In an October 8 column for conspiracy website WND, Nugent, claiming to speak on behalf of "we the people," also conspiratorially questioned how unaccompanied children are arriving at the U.S. - Mexico border and wrote that the "vast majority" of those in poverty have "every imaginable luxury known to man":

Now more than ever, we the people are painfully aware that those subject to the separation of powers have become nothing more than a conspiratorial gang against us.[...]

We refuse to believe that all those children showing up at our southern border just happen to make that near impossible journey all on their own.[...]

We don't believe that our president is a Christian.[...]

We can't believe our government squawks about so many living in so-called poverty when the vast majority of such poor people have cellphones and every imaginable luxury known to man.

Oh, hell no. Forget the fact that this is all bogus nonsense right wing talking points. The idea of Ted Nugent saying "we don't believe that our president is a Christian" like he gives a shit one way or the other is hilarious. Surely no one believes he actually believes that nonsense.

Any Christian who thinks Ted Nugent speaks for them should immediately check their Christian card at the door and become an atheist. Let me just rephrase that statement the way he actually intended for it to read.

We don't believe our president is legitimate, because he is black and scary.

It's really time to make the NRA irrelevant, don't you think?


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