Ted Cruz Asked To Comment On Apple CEO Coming Out Gay: 'I Love My Iphone'

When asked to comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook's "coming out" moment, Sen. Ted Cruz took the low road and said how much he loved his Iphone.

Apple CEO Tim Cook wrote a wonderful piece today about how proud he is of being gay, and as usual a homophobic GOPer was asked about Cook's coming out moment. Senator Ted Cruz, one of the most anti-gay members of Congress was appearing on CNBC when he was asked to comment on Tim Cook's announcement and as usual took the low road in his response.

In a Thursday morning interview with CNBC, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) commented on Apple CEO Tim Cook’s decision to come out as gay by calling Cook’s orientation a “personal choice,” but went on to say, “I’ll tell you I love my iPhone.”

The Hill blog reported Thursday that Cruz was opining that same-sex marriage is a matter best left up to individual states to decide, although he was careful to stipulate that he believes that marriage should only be between “one man and one woman.”

Cruz wants to amend the U.S. Constitution to make it impossible for the Supreme Court to overturn state laws denying same-sex couples the right to marry.

See, gays can make good products and also entertain us, but that's all they are good for. There's a reason why the "states' rights" argument is bogus and Cruz knows it. When it comes to civil rights and liberties in this country, the racist states' rights argument has been exposed for decades now. Unfortunately, it's being used to harass the gay community now. If it were left up to the states, business owners could pick and choose who they serve in restaurants, who they sell products to, etc...we've been down this road too many times to count already.

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