Ben Stein Dons White Hood, Blasts 'Pathetic, Self-Defeating Black Underclass'

Stein doesn't bother to explain how one of those members of his so-called black underclass became President of the United States.

Ben Stein has always been a nasty piece of work, but he's gotten far worse since he started picking up his paychecks from the John Birch billionaire class. This particular rant on Newsmax TV is worthy of the KKK.


“If you read the liberal mainstream media, that the main problem with race in America was poor innocent black people being set upon and mistreated by the police,” Stein said on NewsMaxTV, commenting on a report that the mother of Michael Brown could face felony armed robbery charges for attacking people in Ferguson, Missouri. “That’s just nonsense.”

“I mean, the real problem with race in America is a very, very beaten-down, pathetic, self-defeating black underclass that is — uh, just can’t seem to get its way going in the way that blacks were able to before the scourge of drugs and the scourge of gangs.”

The former game show host and Nixon administration official cited drugs and family destruction as a “crisis in the black community” that President Obama has not addressed.

“I mean, it’s an amazing thing — blacks were on their way in this country, even after the horrors of slavery, and then drugs came in, the destruction of families came in, and the crisis in the black community is just absolutely unbelievable. And that, it seems to me, is something that Mr. Obama could have addressed, and he just ignored it completely.

These claims are so ridiculous they're hardly worth addressing on any kind of factual basis. But remember, this was the guy who called President Obama the "most racist President" in history. Now he wants Obama to take care of all those "pathetic, self-defeating" people?

Here's what's happening. People like Stein and the rest of the racist overlords have always been in this country. They hid under their rocks and clothed their racism in careful language and dog whistles.

Now they're not shy about it. After all, let's not forget that Stein worked for a president (Nixon) who was excited to nominate Robert Byrd to the Supreme Court because he was a member of the KKK..

This isn't helping anything. It's just nasty, racist, stepping on people's necks to slam the President for political reasons. In the end, it's plainly destructive. But no worries, because when you own a silo like Newsmax does, it's fine to broadcast whatever venom you want across the Internet.


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