Congressional Report Confirms Benghazi! Was Never A Scandal

In a late Friday afternoon document dump, Congressional Republicans confirm what we've been saying all along. There is no scandal.

It's Friday afternoon and you're about to leave Washington, DC for a three-week vacation after coming back for just a week. What do you do?

Why, you dump The Seventh Benghazi Report, of course! Hey, the election's over, so it's time to clean up for the next term, so Congressional Republicans released the report on Benghazi with the conclusion...wait for it...that there was no wrongdoing on the part of everyone!

There was, as we've contended all along here, no "there" there.

Charlie Pierce:

A few things should happen now, though I do not believe all of them will. Congressman Mike Rogers is departing the Congress for a new career as a radio talk-show host. His first shift on-air should be, ah, interesting. Sharyl Atkisson's newly minted career as a martyred truth-teller should experience something of a downturn although, rising to her defense, the burble caucus has retrenched on Fast And Furious,which is an even deader parrot. The Sunday Showz should apologize to America for wasting time on this thing. And, please god, Chris Stevens and the other four people who died at the consulate finally can rest in peace. And to that, all say amen.


Little Benghazi scandal, we will bury you right next to your sister Ebola. Both of you have served your purpose now.

They're cleaning house for 2016. No need to smear President Obama anymore, because they're now going to pretend they know how to govern.

I won't hold my breath waiting for Chuck Todd and the gang to hang their collective heads.

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