Emboldened Conservatives Demand GOP Shut Down Government, Again
Erick Erickson is the latest conservative airbag to demand a government shutdown from the newly elected GOP Congressional majority
Conservatives are over the moon with their recent triumph at the polls, so they are doubling down on a federal government shutdown -- and their media shock troops are pushing impeachment talk. That's not surprising, since it doesn't take much to get them all riled up, anyway. What they may be forgetting is, this past election took place in very friendly GOP locations and I wonder how it will turn out in 2016? But since they didn't pay a price for shutting down the government the last time (as well as for their insane rantings) they see no reason not to -- because they must stop the evil, Constitution-shredding Obama.
Eric "Goatf*cking" Erickson of Fox News and RedState joined in the cacophony of catcalls and demanded a government shutdown today over Obama's possible immigration executive orders.
Now, let us be clear on the parameters of the debate moving forward. I am not suggesting the GOP just say "to heck with it" and shut down the government. What I am suggesting is that the GOP pass everything except Obamacare funding and funding for any immigration actions the President wants to take.And he will most certainly balk at all that.[...]
So set the course. Defund Obamacare and block amnesty. Obama can defy the will of the people and refuse to work with Congress. Sure, the GOP may get blamed. But so what?
And that is key here -- so what. They got blamed last time and the public rewarded them with the biggest election wave in modern American political history from the local level to the federal level.
Block Obama. Let him show himself again to be the petulant man-child Americans have started recognizing. And this time, when he shuts down the government, keep it shut till you have your way and then hold public hearings to show how Obama selectively shut things down to hurt the voters intentionally.
At the end of the day, there is no other choice. Either the President will cave to a Congress just elected to stop him or the GOP will cave to a President no one likes.
If you ask a conservative what amnesty is, they probably will tell you that Obama will immediately grant immunity to all illegals at one time even if they are terrorists. Betsy Woodruff wrote a piece today in Slate that tells us Republican politicians don't even know what the word amnesty means.
But there’s a hitch: Some of the top legislators who frequently use the term can’t actually explain what amnesty is. I spent the past few days asking Republican senators what they meant when they referred to amnesty in terms of immigration policy. The answers I got were intriguing. That’s because while Republican congressional leaders are always eager to discuss their opposition to this vague, amorphous concept, many of them are downright befuddled when asked to explain what that concept looks like in real life. Their responses ranged from straightforward to nonsensical...read on