Fox Biz' Gasparino Attacks CNBC's Insana In Schoolyard Bully Rant

When one innocuous tweet leads to a flame war, all hell breaks loose.

Oooh, the gloves are off in the ridiculous Twitter war Fox Business Channel's Charlie Gasparino is running against CNBC's Ron Insana for what can only be regarded as an innocuous tweet.

Insana tweets this:

And Gasparino goes nuts.

Insana makes the mistake of responding politely:

Gasparino puts on his Roger Ailes suit, goes for the kill:


After Insana mentions the usual "ad hominem attacks mean you lose" maxim, Gasparino blows up:

And then goes on Fox Business whining about why they might not want to discuss his stupid twitter war with the other channel on the network.

Boys will be boys.

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