Nevada's New Republican Speaker Is Racist, Sexist, And Homophobic
Former AM talk show host Ira Hansen has very disturbing views on blacks, women, Israel, RINO's, gays and most everything else that you could think off.
A Nevada independent alternative news site sifted through thirteen years of articles by the incoming Nevada Assembly Speaker designate and found a litany of offensive and hateful views that will make your stomach churn. The former AM talk show host (no surprise there) Ira Hansen, has very disturbing views on blacks, women, Israel, RINO's, gays and most everything else that you could think off.
How insane has the GOP become since they let the Tea Party take over?
He also referred to public schools as a form of “educational slavery,” writing that “[t]he Democratic coalition would split asunder if the NAACP & co. actually promoted what black Americans truly desire — educational choice. The shrewd and calculating [black] ’leaders’ are willing to sacrifice the children of their own race to gratify their lust for power and position. The relationship of Negroes and Democrats is truly a master-slave relationship, with the benevolent master knowing what’s best for his simple minded darkies.”
Hansen registered further displeasure with the “simple minded darkies” more directly, too, noting that “[t]he lack of gratitude and the deliberate ignoring of white history in relation to eliminating slavery is a disgrace that Negro leaders should own up to.”
His thoughts on homosexuality and feminism are equally regressive. For years, he wrote, he kept a “rough tally on homosexual/heterosexual molesters as reported locally,” and found that “roughly half of all molestations involve homosexual men preying on boys,” citing as further evidence the existence of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and the Catholic church molestation scandals as evidence of gay male depravity.
As for women, he wrote that their proclivity for filing sexual harassment suits made them unfit to serve their country, claiming that “[t]oday, when Army men look at women in the ranks with ’longing in their eyes’ it very well may constitute ’sexual harassment.’ The truth is, women do not belong in the Army or Navy or Marine Corps, except in certain limited fields.”
I'm speechless. How can a political party elect this vile man, let alone make him the leader of the state assembly?
The Reno News Review has a full accounting of what his man truly believes.
Ira Hansen also hates Martin Luther King. What a shock.
Hansen has also published several columns attacking Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., including one where he claims that “King’s private life was trashy at best. … King Jr. is as low as it gets, a hypocrite, a liar, a phony, and a fraud.” In another piece, he wrote that “[t]he lack of gratitude and the deliberate ignoring of white history in relation to eliminating slavery is a disgrace that Negro leaders should own up to.”