Rand Paul Pretends Obama Is Divisive; Candy Crowley, As Usual, Agrees

Crowley just rolled right through without any hint of critical thinking.

The irony of Rand Paul fretting over our divided politics is nearly unbearable in this segment, but you can rely on Candy Crowley to not only give him a pass, but to agree with him about who is responsible for the division.

Let us first note that on the final Sunday before the midterms, Crowley gave the stage to Republicans, and Republicans only, with Rand Paul taking the lion's share of the hour for himself.

From the transcript:

CROWLEY: Let's talk about 2014. You have been out and about, more than 30 states, as I understand it. Will the Republicans take over control of the Senate?

PAUL: I think, in all likelihood, yes. I think the wind's at our back. I think this election is going to be a referendum on the president. Even he acknowledged his policies will be on the ballot, and he will be indirectly on the ballot.

And there's a great deal of unhappiness that feels like our country, that he promised he would be beyond things, that he was going to be a uniter, not a divider. But, you know, I called him a month ago, and I said, Mr. President, I will work with you on criminal justice. What I want you to do is try to help me bring American profit home, so we can create jobs here.

Time travel with me through the years to revisit the Rogue's gallery of Republicans "uniting" the country. We begin with 2009.

Here's Koch Energy lobbyist and nonprofit queen Nancy Pfotenhauer, talking about how she would be more than happy to cooperate with President Obama if he'd just be a Republican.

Next up: Fox News, assisting that "unification" effort with the BillO and Bernie show slamming the "far left smear machine."

Both of those happened within 40 days of Obama's inaugural. No honeymoon for you, Mr. President, because those "uniters" are busy, busy bees.

Moving on to 2010:

Mitch McConnell promises to work with President Obama to do Republican things.

Republicans filibuster the First Responders bill. Because unity.

Uniters McCain and Kirk smirk over killing Omnibus bill.

These are just a few of hundreds of examples. I haven't even touched on the furor over the Affordable Care Act in early 2010, which included classics on the hit parade like Death Panels and Government Takeovers, both inventions of the Republican party and message machine.

Moving into 2011, when Rand Paul has now been sworn in and works hard on the whole unity theme:

Rand Paul, promising to filibuster over the debt ceiling in order to cause the country to go into default. Because unity always requires new, frightening frontiers.

Rand Paul equates universal healthcare to slavery. Somehow this is supposed to create a fertile environment for working with President Obama to be a unifier.

Rand Paul to Candy Crowley: Inequality is awesome! There's a way to invite unity.

Republicans kill President Obama's job bill while shaming all on unemployment. Meanwhile, John McCain introduces a 'tit for tat' billionaire bonus bill, so that every vote on the jobs provisions in Obama's bill will be met with a bonus for billionaires. Because unity.

Then we come to 2012, an election year and banner year for everyone to link arms and sing Kumbaya, right?

Rand Paul tries to add fetal personhood amendment to flood insurance bill.

McCain and Rand Paul skip Benghazi briefing to go complain about how it was handled on Fox News. Unity!

You get the idea. If I could put together this brief and quite abridged list in 30 minutes, surely CNN and Crowley could manage to do it and actually challenge Rand Paul on his claims. Instead, she nods and says "You're right."

I will leave my criticism of Crowley on the table with this one last look at Rand Paul and how committed he is to being a uniter instead of a divider.

Here he is in all his glory just five weeks ago, ranting about our "uppity" black president.

"The president acts like he's a king. He ignores the Constitution," the Kentucky Republican said. "He arrogantly says, 'If Congress will not act, then I must.' These are not the words of a great leader. These are the words that sound more like the exclamations of an autocrat."

Three cheers for uniters!

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