That Time Breitbart News Published Gotcha Article On AG Nominee, But Didn't Verify Identity

Breitbart News thought they had an exclusive, but their reporter just had trouble with properly Googling identities.

One of these people is not like the other. The picture at the top of the post is a photo of Loretta Lynch, President Obama's nominee for Attorney General.

This picture is of Loretta Lynch, attorney who worked for the Clintons during the Whitewater days.

Little Green Footballs :

You can find the same claims now at several of the major right wing websites; Weird Nut Daily, American Thinker, etc.

Just one small problem, of course; they have the wrong Loretta Lynch. Who could have imagined there might be more than one lawyer in America named Loretta Lynch?

The one who began working with the Clinton campaign in 1992 and was on the legal team during the Whitewater hearings is this woman...

From there, hilarity ensued.

After leaving this drivel up for more than a day, the crack journalists of Breitbart “News” have now added this in italics to the end of the first article linked above, right above the author info which is also in italics.

Correction: The Loretta Lynch identified earlier as the Whitewater attorney was, in fact, a different attorney.

In other words, “this entire article is wrong, starting with the headline and then every other sentence in it. It could not possibly be more wrong. The fail in this piece is utterly massive and without compare.”

After being criticized soundly, the original post was deleted without fanfare or official retraction.

As far as failure goes, there was a time where I endured a week of Breitbart harassment back in the days when Breitbart himself was still breathing. He unleashed his bot army and all of his more literate supporters on me over my mistaken belief that Breitbart TV's Scott Baker had purchased some billboards in 2010.

You can go back and find my post about it here. They had a great time with it, finding the 'correct' Scott Baker and interviewing him about the billboards while claiming I was a jackass.

My response to the error is still on the post, which is still on the web, but has been corrected at the top of the post to reflect the error and an explanation of who made it, who owned it, and why I was leaving the post in public. In other words, a full retraction and apology.

Don't hold your breath waiting for something like that from Breitbart. If Andrew was still alive, he'd be huffing and puffing and telling everyone they were wrong and he was still right. That's how they roll over there.

Schadenfreude is delicious, even when it's served posthumously four-plus years later.

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