It's C&L's Tenth Anniversary Fundraiser

How about it? Ten bucks for 10 great years? A bargain!

In September, C&L celebrated ten years in the blogosphere, and it blows my mind. Who knew?

When I first started C&L, my best friend asked me what I was going to do with my life. I had been seriously injured by a doctor which forced me to quit my dream job, a Duran Duran world tour, and left me in terrible pain and not in a very good mood. I had been following politics quite heavily for a long time, especially during the Gore V. Bush election and the subsequent horrendous Supreme Court decision which handed Bush the presidency, but I hadn't had the time to become active.

As I was wallowing in my misfortune, I decided to join the blogosphere and vent my frustrations at the Iraq war, the policies of the Bush administration and the right wing propaganda of Fox News. I wasn't trying to calculate a way that I could get rich on the Internet or make a life for myself, it was just a time in my life when I needed to speak out for our country.

Who knew that it would turn into a calling?

Because of the midterm elections, we held off asking for donations. Then I tweaked my nerve damage, so I held off some more. I know it's the holidays now, but I didn't want to wait until 2015 to remind you of our tenth birthday.

I'll be running a fundraiser now for a little bit and then resume next year for a bigger push. I hope you can help us because, as the Internet has changed over the years, we really need your support to carry on. We've relied on advertising and your kindness to continue churning out the best content we can, but one of the only reasons we can do that is because we have so many people who contribute for little or no money.

They're the real stars of C&L. Please support them and the website because we can't do it without you..

You can hit the donate button, or snailmail a check to us here:

PO BOX: 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066

Anyway, thanks so much for all the support you have shown us through our nine ten years. I can't believe it's been that long! Help us keep doing what we do.

John Amato
Founder of Crooksandliars.com

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