Former NYPD Detective Wants Mayor De Blasio To Resign For 'His Tone'

Former NYPD Detective Harry Houck wants Mayor De Blasio to apologize to the NYC police because he doesn't like his tone. Huh?

Former NY detective Harry Houck is making quite a name for himself on cable TV as a go-to police brutality apologist and he's making the most of his anti-progressive and racist views in the process. You may remember him from the Trayvon Martin disaster when he said this: Trayvon Would Be Alive 'If He Didn't Have A Street Attitude'

"Listen, Trayvon Martin would be alive today, okay, if he didn't, alright, have a street attitude," the former NYPD detective insisted. "That's the bottom line."

Since the horrible assassination of two police officers over the weekend, Houck has appeared on CNN attacking Mayor De Blasio and anyone else he has a grievance with and saying crap like this:

HARRY HOUCK, FORMER NEW YORK POLICE OFFICER: Well, you know, what I'm hearing from my contacts is that the shooter had killed himself and that he was wanted in Baltimore for another killing and when he was in Baltimore, he had said that he was going to go up to New York and kill a cop and apparently he got his wish. And what really has me upset is all these demonstrations that we've been having here all been predicated on lies. No justice, no peace. We have two dead police officers. And I guess Al Sharpton got what he wanted.

Hate, much? Today on Fox News, he took it even further by demanding that De Blasio resign, following Bill O'Reilly's screed because of a history of anti-police views. But when asked by Gretchen Carlson what they were, he couldn't say much other than he's really mad over the mayor's tone of voice.

Carlson: Can he ever recover?

Houck: No, not right now he's not. He needs to apologize to the police department. This fire has been brewing for a long time, ever since he got elected. And now we've got a full on flame going and the only way for this to be put out is by him coming on the news and telling everybody publicly that he apologizes for his actions towards the police department.

What's the mayor supposed to go on television and apologize for? Oh, he was against the racist stop and frisk policy that he cancelled.

Gretchen then asked what he should apologize and framed her questions as if De Blasio was the ring leader of the protests in NY and could call them off with a snap of his fingers.

So, what would he apologize for? Basically calling on people to protest, he didn't actually say come out and protest, but he allowed the protests to happen.


And of course he's married to an African American, who's had similar experiences to many blacks..

Carlson: He talked about his own personal experience, being married to an African American women and how his children fell, right?


Wow, just wow.

Carlson: What would he actually say?

Houck: I want to apologize to the police officers for my tone and my actions. You know, he didn't say a lot of stuff, really anti- cop let's say, but he said it in a sort of round about way. It was his tone that he said it.

Are the police so soft skinned that they turned their backs on their mayor over a supposed anti-police "tone?" This is sick..

Look, he may not have been smart in some ways on his handling of the protests since all Republicans and most white cops hate Al Sharpton, but the fact is that most of the police force didn't vote for him and would never support a liberal in office. It's like their own tea party protests of De Blasio subbing for Obama.

Gretchen then played BillO getting all bombastic on the Mayor and that prompted Houck's true feelings to come forward about those damn hippies.

So he's calling or him to resign, do you agree with that?

Houck: I think he should resign, but you know it's not going to happen, He's a progressive. Progressives don't take responsibility for their actions...

And there it is. This is the real reason the anti-De Blasio machine is under way. He's hated so much because he's in a mixed marriage and he's a liberal and they've found something they could trash him over. Too bad it's at the expense of two tragically slain police officers.

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