Fox News Host Channels Jim Crow: Americans Should Pass 'Citizenship Test' To Vote

Fox News host Steve Doocy entered Jim Crow territory when he said that all Americans should pass a "citizenship test" before being allowed to vote.

The disinformation, Jim Crow beliefs and overall conservative dren spewed by Fox & Friends and especially Steve Doocy is nauseating to say the least. Conservative pugilists like him seem to forget that voting is a right for All Americans, not just the few they think are worthy of it. Part of Jim Crow's legacy is to deny those they deemed inferior the right to vote and Doocy ran with it as only he can.

“We have talked many times about the state of education in this country,” said Steve Doocy. “(K)ids graduate from high school, and they don’t know squat. So there is at least one state that is suggesting if you want to pass and graduate from high school, you’ve got to pass the same 100-question test that we apply to immigrants who want to become American citizens.”

Doocy then suggested that a similar test should be instituted for Americans who want to vote.

Okay, you’ve got to answer those questions correctly to become a citizen of the United States,” he said. “I think not only would it be great if high school students had to have a proficiency in America, but I think they should have a test before you vote."

This discussion was kick started because North Dakota is trying to pass a bill that requires high school students to pass an immigration citizenship test:

If you don't know how many voting members are in the U.S. House of Representatives, or answers to numerous other questions asked of immigrants trying to become American citizens, then you may not get through high school in North Dakota.

The state's first lady joined educators and lawmakers Monday to unveil legislation that would require high school students to pass a 100-question civics test starting in 2016. Immigrants applying to become citizens must correctly answer six of 10 questions that are chosen at random from the same exam, which is given verbally.

I was waiting for Doocy to stand and say, "We're All North Dakotans Now!"

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