GOP Quietly Admits There's No IRS Scandal Involving The White House
In a pre-Christmas document dump, Darrell Issa's committee admitted there was no wrongdoing by the White House with regard to the IRS non-scandal.

Oh look, nothing to see here, just like I've been saying since the day Ginni Thomas and her gang hatched the plan.
WASHINGTON — An 18-month congressional investigation into the Internal Revenue Service’s mistreatment of conservative political groups seeking tax exemptions has failed to show coordination between agency officials and political operatives in the White House, according to a report released on Tuesday.
Mr. Issa, who is stepping down from the chairmanship, has accused the I.R.S. commissioner of engaging in a Watergate-style cover-up and accused administration officials of obstructing his investigation.
In a parting shot, Mr. Issa released the 226-page summary of the panel’s findings on Tuesday. It said that language used in emails collected by the committee suggested that I.R.S. officials in the tax-exemption unit were trying to find ways to sanction groups they disliked.
Of course, Republicans aren't finished with this. They intend to flog it next year, too, and all the way through the time that Obama leaves office in early 2017. I predict that in 2 more years, we'll get another set of documents that once again declares no wrongdoing on the part of the administration.
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