Jon Stewart To Fox News Pundit: F*ck You!

After apologizing for a minor error, Jon Stewart let Brian Kilmeade have a piece of his mind.

Jon Stewart uttered the words I have longed to hear someone say to Brian Kilmeade for so very long.

It began with a mistake.

In his monologue, Stewart skewered Fox by playing a series of clips of Fox pundits arguing that Ferguson was one in a series of isolated incidents. Stewart listed five examples before saying:

The point is, these shootings are clearly not a manifestation of systemic inequality and mistrust between the African American community and the somehow always-justified police American community. But these are merely an unending, bizarrely similar series of isolated incidents.

Well, it turned out that one of Stewart's five examples should not have been there. According to KTLA, Dante Parker was tasered during an arrest for attempted burglary, allegedly attempted to assault a deputy and later died in the hospital of PCP intoxication and heart disease.

After San Bernardino District Attorney Mike Ramos slammed Stewart for the error, The Daily Show acknowledged the mistake in a tweet and said there will be an on-air apology tonight.

However, the tweet also noted, “Larger point still stands.”

Stewart apologized on the air, and then he turned to Brian Kilmeade with the full wrath of a man who has waited too long to smack someone so richly deserving.

“That’s what’s so tough about working in media ‘counter-errorism,’” he explained. “The Daily Show has to be right 100 percent of the time; Fox only has to be right once.”

Fox News quickly accused Stewart of using his show to “slam the cops.” Kilmeade later mentioned that 85 New York City police officers were killed after the attacks “in case [Stewart] wants to include it.”

F*ck you, Brian,” Stewart said. “Seriously. F*ck you. That is so far out of line, that even within the confines of this bit — ostensibly accepting blame for everything that’s coming my way for a factual error I really do regret, f*ck you. Ears, eyes, nose and throat. In fact, if I hadn’t told you to f*ck off, I would have had to apologize on tomorrow night’s show for being factually incorrect.

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