Krauthammer Begins 2015 Policy Indoctrination Process

Charles Krauthammer is giving Fox viewers their briefings on policy and political strategies for the new Congress.

Fox News viewers are a little dim if they need Charles Krauthammer to spell this one out for them. Now that Republicans control the House and the Senate, strategies change. That's how it works. Instead of using his bill-signing pen, the President will use his veto pen.

Foxies need some re-education in this since Republicans have been the obstructionists for the past six years. They're really used to the word "no" coming from their side of the aisle, so Charles Krauthammer is undertaking the task of indoctrinating them properly.

"There are going to be some areas where we disagree and, you know, I haven't used the veto pen very often since I've been in office [...] Now I suspect there are going to be some times where I've got to pull that pen out," [President Obama] told NPR.

Kimberly Guilfoyle asked Charles Krauthammer if he believes Obama will act on this threat.

“I think he will act on it, and I think the Republicans oughta say, ‘Bring it on, Mr. President,’” Krauthammer told Guilfoyle.

Krauthammer said that there’s no better way for the GOP to position itself for 2016 than to show the country that they are able to enact an agenda and that they have an agenda.

Fox viewers pause to muse. They have an agenda? Like one that involves legislation and stuff? We were absolutely sure the only agenda was to do nothing until the Kenyan usurper leaves the White House!

Krauthammer thinks the agenda includes "entitlement reform." (His words, not mine) And he somehow thinks it would be good for Obama to sign that instead of vetoing it, or at least, that's what he's priming the Foxies to think. If he succeeds, they'll be all up in arms that the Kenyan usurper isn't cutting their benefits. Go figure.

Republicans actually do have an agenda. They'd like to end Social Security, repeal Obamacare, privatize Medicare, end the welfare and food stamp program, and go to war again. It's not a popular agenda, but it is an agenda.

Now it's up to Fox News to fully indoctrinate their faithful so they can gin up some outrage and decent fundraising for the Republican Party, of course.

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