Li'l Luke Russert Sneers At Elizabeth Warren On Air

Just after the House passed the budget bill, Luke Russert went on the air (and the record) with his opinion of Elizabeth Warren.

Watch Li'l Luke Russert sneer at Elizabeth Warren and call her a purity troll for daring to stand up for ordinary people instead of Wall Street's interests. As if it's her fault that Jamie Dimon was having a hissy fit and demanding that Congress fix what he broke all those years back.

While discussing the progress of the bill and transition to the Senate, Li'l Luke's analysis of Democrats suddenly waking up to the idea that maybe they shouldn't be supporting campaign finance limits and Wall Street bailouts was flawed to begin with, but as usual, he loves to spin it as Democrats eating their own instead of simply listening to common sense.

Then he went completely off the rails, saying "There is an appetite in the Democratic party for purity, and who fits purity better? Elizabeth Warren, much more so than Hillary Clinton."

Oh, talk about damning with faint praise. We all know the word purity is cablespeak for wingnut. So there you have li'l Luke setting the table for some "bothsides" talk, should the Senate balk at passing this bill.

Cable news and the Beltway pundits need to be blown up (figuratively, not literally) and made irrelevant. If Li'l Luke sticks around long enough, his bosses will pretend he knows what the hell he's talking about instead of realizing he's nothing but an empty head spewing out whatever rolls out of his mouth without thinking, thus spawning yet another generation of nonsense talkers on TV.

Enough, already with this. Luke made it sound like the idea of NOT kowtowing to Wall Street had never occurred to any Democrat ever. What Elizabeth Warren did was simply speak truth to power, and wake up some members of the Democratic caucus to the political price they pay when they side with Wall Street.

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