Rep. Steve King Implies Voters Are Stupid And Forgetful

He's not wrong, which is the sad part.

When you live in a world where the media can't remember what happened a week ago, much less what happened yesterday, it's really easy for Republicans to do whatever they want.

Hence, Rep. Steve King's (R-Wingnutville) full-throated support for a government shutdown to prevent "amnesty."


“Let’s throw out the fact that we have a Marxist in the White House and our very way of life is at stake,” Deace explained, “could an argument be made that a smart political move is to actually have a showdown with the president right now?”

After all, the radio host said, “in case it does blow up and the media loses their minds, the next election that matters is not for twenty-three months and a lot of things can change, Jesus could come back in the next twenty-three months, a lot of things can change in twenty-three months so let’s do it now when not much damage can be done [and] not many people are paying attention.”

King said he completely agreed with Deace’s analysis, adding that “there’s probably no better time to fight than now and no better time to risk a government shutdown than now.”

“The people would have twenty-three months to forget, presumably, but I would like it rather that they remember that we would have the courage, and I wish they don’t think it takes a lot, to stand on principle,” he said. “When the president violates his oath of office, it’s ever more incumbent upon the rest of us to stand up to our oath.”


No, the president didn't violate his oath of office. He's not right about that. But he is right that media will not ever look back on this and actually mention it ahead of an election, and he's more right about voters forgetting about it because it seems we have the collective memory of a flea these days.

Sad, isn't it?

[Photo Credit: DonkeyHotey]

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