Senate Confirms Vivek Murthy As Surgeon General Thanks To Ted Cruz

The NRA must be apoplectic over Cruz opening the door to Murthy's confirmation.

The Senate confirmed Dr. Vivek Murthy as Surgeon General on Monday in a bipartisan vote. At least, it was bipartisan to the extent that the three NRA Democrats -- Heitkamp, Manchin and Joe Donnelly voted against confirmation while Mark Kirk was the sole Republican to vote for it. About as bipartisan as some House votes we've seen over the past year, I'd say.

Huffington Post:

In a rare show of defiance of the National Rifle Association, the Senate on Monday confirmed Dr. Vivek Murthy to serve as surgeon general of the United States. Murthy's nomination had been stalled for nearly a year due to comments he made in support of stricter gun laws.

Murthy is a Harvard- and Yale-educated physician, and has identified obesity and chronic disease as areas of focus for his tenure. He will be the first Indian American to hold the position.

The Senate voted, 51-43, to confirm Murthy for the nation's top public health post, which has been vacant since July 2013.

Murthy's confirmation became possible in the lame duck session because Ted Cruz insisted on a symbolic vote over President Obama's immigration executive orders last Friday, forcing Harry Reid to keep the Senate open for the weekend, giving him extra time to confirm judicial and administration nominees.

Will the NRA exact a price from Ted Cruz or overlook it? Watch this space.

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