Bobby Jindal Repeats Discredited Muslim 'No-Go' Zones In UK Speech

Bobby Jindal gives a major xenophobic speech in the UK, using bogus information and then takes it further while talking to CNN.

What do you say about a politician when he travels abroad and knowingly repeats a lie and then revels in telling it? You would say he's got to be a conservative politician who has eyes on running for the presidency and is looking to hate and fearmonger his way there.

Members of the Republican party has been trying to out do one another to see who is the biggest racist/terrorist fearmonger ever since the French attacks took place and it's been quite a freak show. Right now Gov. Bobby Jindal may have overtaken the lead since he's in the United Kingdom hatemongering about Muslim "no-go zones" and sounding like a Dalek / Cyberman by demanding immigrants better assimilate and conform or they will be deleted.

He's very afraid that Sharia law is coming to the good old U.S of A.

Gov. Bobby Jindal Henry was in England giving a speech to the Jackson Society in London, and repeated the lie that Muslims have created "no go zones" in England.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday stood by his criticism of so-called "no-go" zones in Europe, where sovereign nations allegedly cede authority to Muslim immigrants, a controversial idea that many critics say is overblown.

And he decried what he called immigrants' insistence on "non-assimilation, the fact that "you've got people who want to come to our country but not adopt our values," which he called "dangerous."

Asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer whether he would walk back his comments on no-go zones, made in a speech to the Henry Jackson Society in London earlier that day, Jindal said, "not at all."

"And I'm also making a bigger and maybe even more controversial point," he added, "that radical Islam is a grave threat, we need Muslim leaders to denounce the individuals, not just the acts of violence, and also that it is absolutely correct to insist on assimilation" of immigrants in the United States, he said.

Does this sound like a man worried about the people of Louisiana who elected him or one that wants to win a GOP presidential primary debate or a job on Fox News? He also took his own brand of xenophobia to new heights of disgustingness while taking to CNN's Wolf Blitzer. When pressed by Wolf, of course he had no examples of where these "no-go zones" are in the U.K.

But pressed for specific examples of such no-go zones, Jindal demurred, saying he had met with "elected officials and others" to discuss them and noted a report in UK tabloid the Daily Mail that purported to highlight the challenges facing law enforcement in such areas.

Earlier in the interview, Jindal acknowledged: "I knew by speaking the truth we were gonna make people upset."Jindal was also unable to offer examples during an earlier interview with CNN's Max Foster, saying that he's "heard from folks here that there are neighborhoods where women don't feel comfortable going in without veils...We all know that there are neighborhoods where police are less likely to go into."

You have to watch the video to get a real sense of how out of his mind Jindal is about racial purity. As immigrant populations grew in American, there have always been neighborhoods made up of Italian, Irish, Polish, etc, where these ethnic groups formed pockets of familiar society where they felt comfortable in. It's a natural occurrence in a society that welcomes immigrants to its shores so I imagine there are middle eastern neighborhoods in the U.K., but the far right is bastardizing this for their own hatred and political expediency.

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