Fox News Host Claims Obama Will Alter The First Amendment To Align With Sharia Law
Crazy "Judge" Jeanine Pirro launched yet another one of her outrage fests with fantasies of Sharia.
I find it really difficult to listen to people like 'Judge' Jeanine Pirro, who are so utterly unhinged and resident in an alternate reality. But I think of Pirro as Rupert Murdoch's Id, speaking from that weird place in the core of his brain where the hate lives.
Ellen at Newshounds said it best:
Jeanine Pirro is just certain that President Obama will respond to the terror attacks in France by trying to “limit” the First Amendment” to “comply with Sharia blasphemy laws.” That is, if we don’t all die first. And yup, she worked in Benghazi.
Pirro’s latest unhinged rant against Obama was part of another blatant Fox effort to exploit the terrorism tragedies of this week.
The Charlie Hebdo attack and the ensuing events in France must have really rattled Pirro because it took her several minutes of hysteria about how we’re all in grave danger before she got to bashing Obama.
I said that we need to bomb ISIS as it began its steamroll through Iraq. Bomb them, bomb them and bomb them again!
But at about 2:40, Pirro got down to it:
PIRRO: Our country’s response to this threat? The FBI destroys tens of thousands of documents deemed offensive to Islam! The CIA removes the word “Islamic” before “terrorist” in those Benghazi talking points. The Fort Hood massacre? The Oklahoma beheading? Both (airquotes) “workplace violence.”
(Raising her voice) Are we morons? Of course, none of this should be a surprise given that our president invited the Muslim Brotherhood to fill the first two rows of his apology for being an American speech in Cairo in 2009.
Maybe you are a moron, Jeanine. In the first place, the “apology tour” accusation was rated Pants on Fire by PolitiFact in 2012. Secondly, Obama invited the Muslim Brotherhood as a pointed gesture in support of democracy. You know, that system we love so much we invaded Iraq to set off a cascade of it in the Middle East? Third, it doesn’t look wildly intelligent for a woman like you – a former DA and judge – to have been married to a mobster and thug for over 30 years.
Is that eye of hers twisted because her brain is so full of hate it can't see straight? Evidently, because here's what she has to say about Sharia law:
PIRRO: This surrender is nothing more than a coward’s response to the fear of this fanatical terrorism. And this political correctness will be the death of us. They can kill us but we can’t hurt their feelings? I’m surprised the president hasn’t signed a new executive order that simply says, “Don’t offend Muslims.” And make no mistake. As sure as I’m talking to you, there will be efforts to limit our First Amendment, our free speech, to comply with Sharia blasphemy laws, which call for death to those who slander the prophet Mohammed. And at a time when we have never been in more danger, our president is focused on free community college on his continuing march to reduce the size of the military and eviscerate our national security.
As Ellen notes, this is a blatant effort to capitalize and consolidate the hate market around last week's news events. Pirro may actually believe that tripe because she's that insane, but it's another thing entirely to let her broadcast it.
One last thought. The entire right wing whine about "political correctness" is nothing more than subterfuge to justify that which is unjustifiable. It's like being robbed and then having the robber complain that you tried to punch him in the face. Pirro takes it to new levels, but it's the same tired effort to cover up their own evil.