Joni 'The Hog Castrator' Ernst Set To Give Republican SOTU Response

Freshman Senator, Joni Ernst is set give the GOP's State of The Union Response. Will she bring her gardening shears and six shooter along with her?

This should be good. Wild Joni Ernst, the freshman pig castrating Senator from Iowa will be giving the Republican response to President Obama's SOTU address.


Washington (CNN)Freshman Sen. Joni Ernst will deliver the Republican response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech on Tuesday night.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced Ernst's selection at the congressional GOP's retreat in Hershey, Pennsylvania on Thursday.

Ernst, who grew up on an hog farm and became famous during the 2014 midterm campaigns for an television spot in which she said she knew how to cut "pork" in Washington because she grew up castrating pigs, just won an Iowa race that was key to helping Republicans gain control of the Senate.

She's the first female combat veteran elected to the Senate.

Since Obama was elected the GOP's response to SOTU's has been highly entertaining. From Michelle Bachmann's Tea Party response--to Marco Rubio's bizarre Poland Springs response--to Bobby Jindal's awkward response. What are the odds that she tops them all?

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