Rick Santorum Lashes Out At Legal Immigrants
He's looking for his 2016 niche?
Not content to occupy the same space as the other far-right contenders for 2016, Rick Santorum is carving out his niche as the nativist candidate for 2016.
The problem, according to Santorum, is LEGAL immigration.
According to Santorum, all those legal immigrants coming into America are taking the jobs meant for “native-born Americans”. They have taken every single one of the over six million jobs that have been created in the past 14 years, he says.
I realize the 2016 Klown Kar is crowded, but how on earth will Santorum expect to win an election with rhetoric like this?
Let me ask you a question. Since 2000 there have been a little over six million net new jobs created. What percentage of those net new jobs are held by people not born in this country? Half? Sixty? All of them. There are fewer native-born Americans working today than there was [sic] in 2000, in spite of 17 million more workers in the workforce. So when people tell me the problem is just illegal immigration, they’re wrong. They’re wrong… We are almost at the same level of non-native born in this country they were at in 1920. And in 1920 they realized, wait a minute, it’s affecting our workers. Wages have stagnated, everybody knows that. Why? Part of the reason. Median income is going down. Why? Part of the reason is that we’re bringing floods of legal, not illegal, legal immigrants into the country.
Median income has nothing to do with bringing floods of legal immigrants into this country. Income inequality's roots are not planted in immigration policy. They are the consequence of offshoring jobs, a changing global economy, and corporate America's greed.
More faux populism from the guy who has sucked at the teat of billionaires to stay afloat over the last two years. This is the best conservatives have to offer?